Title: Good Morning Call
Genre: Shoujo, School Life
Summary By Me: Yoshikawa Nao and Uehara Hisashi (two very different people) were tricked into renting out the same apartment by a quack of a real estate company. Circumstances force the two to share the apartment. Low on funds, that was their only choice. Nao is an air-headed, easygoing girl who frets about her weight. Hisashi who has a bottomless pit for a stomach, is a little aloof, and the most popular kid at his school. Will their differences annoy each other to no end? Or will opposites attract?
Volume 01 | Volume 02 | Volume 03 | Volume 04 | Volume 05 |
Volume 06 | Volume 07 | Volume 08 | Volume 09 | Volume 10 |
Volume 11
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Naruto Shippuuden 31, BLEACH 144
Naruto Shippuuden 31
Who else is glad this Arc is finally over? I am! Although it was a touching ending. A small, tiny, almost non-existent part of me doesn't want it to end, but the other part of me (the majority) is cheering and toasting.
I really don't think I can say anything about the episode without spoiling it. But YAY! GAARA!! WE LOVE YOU~! Alright, enough of my fan girl side. Anyway, Naruto is still so... naive huh? Well, R.I.P. Chiyo-baa-sama.
The new OP and ED themes are also a little addicting. The ED is especially funny. Sai's just too funny.
Who loved this episode? If not for the action then for the pure humor.
"Move aside, Ichigo!" Ishida shoves him and he goes flying. Then Chad does the same and Ichigo once again flies.
Ishida's new attacks and bow is amazing. I love it!
"I can shoot 120 of these with every shot!" *insert insane grin and laughter from Arrancar*
"Oh, I can shoot 1200 arrows with every shot," Ishida says in that calm and cool tone of his and then proceeds to obliterate his opponent.
That was mega cool. But now, Chad, what kind of weird and dumb name is his new attack?! "EL DIRECTO"?!?! Geez. >>;
Well, time to wait until tomorrow to see the new episode. Cross your fingers and hope it's a good one!
Who else is glad this Arc is finally over? I am! Although it was a touching ending. A small, tiny, almost non-existent part of me doesn't want it to end, but the other part of me (the majority) is cheering and toasting.
I really don't think I can say anything about the episode without spoiling it. But YAY! GAARA!! WE LOVE YOU~! Alright, enough of my fan girl side. Anyway, Naruto is still so... naive huh? Well, R.I.P. Chiyo-baa-sama.
The new OP and ED themes are also a little addicting. The ED is especially funny. Sai's just too funny.
Who loved this episode? If not for the action then for the pure humor.
"Move aside, Ichigo!" Ishida shoves him and he goes flying. Then Chad does the same and Ichigo once again flies.
Ishida's new attacks and bow is amazing. I love it!
"I can shoot 120 of these with every shot!" *insert insane grin and laughter from Arrancar*
"Oh, I can shoot 1200 arrows with every shot," Ishida says in that calm and cool tone of his and then proceeds to obliterate his opponent.
That was mega cool. But now, Chad, what kind of weird and dumb name is his new attack?! "EL DIRECTO"?!?! Geez. >>;
Well, time to wait until tomorrow to see the new episode. Cross your fingers and hope it's a good one!
Kitchen Princess
Sorry for not answering, guys. I've been busy searching for jobs. =)
About Kitchen Princess, because it's been licensed by DEL REY, no one is picking this manga up for scanlating. So the only way you're gonna read this is by buying the volumes from the U.S. or getting the imports. Sorry.
About Kitchen Princess, because it's been licensed by DEL REY, no one is picking this manga up for scanlating. So the only way you're gonna read this is by buying the volumes from the U.S. or getting the imports. Sorry.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Naruto Shippuuden 29 & 30 (Dattebayo)
Warning: If you're reading this, there can be spoilers. I would have taken some screenshots but my sister's computer doesn't have that option. Oh well.
Great episode. At least I believe so. Last episode was a total bummer though. Anyway, we finally see Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan! YAY! Nifty eye and even niftier dojutsu (techniques using the eyes).
Chiyo-baa-sama doesn't look like she's gonna last much longer. So I guess we should be prepared for a very possible character death.
And that scene with Naruto towards the end was heart wrenching. It was just so sad, it even pulled at my non-existent heart strings. But he's right. Everything happens to Gaara -- everything bad. If such a person existed in the world, I don't know how that person would live on... after going through so much.
Well, I won't say anymore about 29 & 30. :) Just watch it.
Great episode. At least I believe so. Last episode was a total bummer though. Anyway, we finally see Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan! YAY! Nifty eye and even niftier dojutsu (techniques using the eyes).
Chiyo-baa-sama doesn't look like she's gonna last much longer. So I guess we should be prepared for a very possible character death.
And that scene with Naruto towards the end was heart wrenching. It was just so sad, it even pulled at my non-existent heart strings. But he's right. Everything happens to Gaara -- everything bad. If such a person existed in the world, I don't know how that person would live on... after going through so much.
Well, I won't say anymore about 29 & 30. :) Just watch it.
It's a forum that provides tons of anime and manga that I joined over a year ago and stuck with. I recommend anyone who's reading this to join. It's a very open-minded community so even those who are into hentai, yuri and yaoi or shounen-ai can join. Nothing's really censored. Hell, nothing's ever censored at this place.
Currently, it provides more anime than manga though. You can access it all via forums. However, only Premium membership allows you to gain access to the majority of it all. Thankfully, it's a very low fee. There is now an Anime of the Month though which all members can download. I find that nifty. There's also the Public Anime section that's updated about once a day everytime new anime is released (also open to all members). =)
If you're wondering where I am on there, I go by lunar blade. I'm a staff member as you can see, so yeah I'm just advertising. :P
So, once again: http://www.otakara-island.com
Currently, it provides more anime than manga though. You can access it all via forums. However, only Premium membership allows you to gain access to the majority of it all. Thankfully, it's a very low fee. There is now an Anime of the Month though which all members can download. I find that nifty. There's also the Public Anime section that's updated about once a day everytime new anime is released (also open to all members). =)
If you're wondering where I am on there, I go by lunar blade. I'm a staff member as you can see, so yeah I'm just advertising. :P
So, once again: http://www.otakara-island.com
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